Create Your Own Story: How Journaling Can Boost Your Happiness and Success

A journal and a pen

Have you ever wondered how some people seem to be happier, more productive, and more successful than others? Do they have a secret formula or a magic trick that you don’t know about? Well, the answer might be simpler than you think. They might just be keeping a journal.
Journaling is the practice of writing down your thoughts, feelings, experiences, and goals on a regular basis. It can take many forms, such as gratitude journaling, where you list the things you are thankful for, or highlight journaling, where you record the best moments of your day. You can also use journaling to plan your day, set your intentions, affirm your strengths, and reflect on your progress.

But why should you bother with journaling? What are the benefits of spending a few minutes every day with a pen and a paper (or a keyboard and a screen)? Well, according to scientific evidence from peer-reviewed journals in psychology and neuroscience, journaling can have a positive impact on various aspects of your well-being and performance, such as:

Happiness: Journaling can increase your happiness by helping you focus on the positive aspects of your life, appreciate what you have, and express your gratitude. Research has shown that gratitude journaling can enhance your subjective well-being, and that this effect is mediated by grateful processing, which means thinking deeply and meaningfully about the things you are grateful for.

Success: Journaling can boost your success by helping you set and achieve your goals, track your progress, and learn from your feedback. Research has shown that journaling can improve your academic performance, self-regulation, and self-efficacy.

Procrastination: Journaling can help you overcome procrastination by helping you clarify your tasks, prioritise your actions, and motivate yourself. Research has shown that journaling can reduce procrastination, especially if you use it to write down your reasons for doing your tasks, your expected outcomes, and your coping strategies.

Resilience: Journaling builds resilience by enabling you to process challenges, identify patterns, and develop coping mechanisms. Studies show it helps reduce stress and anxiety, equipping you to bounce back from setbacks with greater strength.

Meaning: Journaling can help you find meaning and purpose in your life by helping you explore your values, passions, and goals. Research has shown that gratitude journaling can also increase your sense of meaning, especially if you prioritise both positivity and meaning in your life.

Health: Daily reflection through gratitude journaling appears to offer a surprising benefit beyond its established influence on mental well-being. Recent research suggests it may act as a shield against the physical effects of stress, potentially lowering blood pressure, regulating stress hormones, and even strengthening the body’s natural defenses. These intriguing findings, while requiring further exploration, hint at the potential for gratitude journaling to promote holistic well-being.

As you can see, journaling can be a powerful tool for enhancing your well-being and performance. And the best part is, you don’t need to spend hours or write pages to reap the benefits. Even just a few minutes per day can make a difference. So, why not give it a try? Grab a journal, or open a document, and start writing. You might be surprised by how much you can gain from this simple habit.

Still not convinced? Well, maybe you’ll be inspired by some of the most famous and successful people in history who attributed at least part of their success and meaningful life to their habit of journaling. Here are some examples:

Marcus Aurelius, burdened by the weight of an empire, turned to journaling as a personal sanctuary. Here, he wasn’t the emperor, but a student of philosophy, grappling with life’s complexities. He meticulously documented his thoughts on Stoicism, a philosophy emphasising reason, virtue, and resilience. These introspective writings, later known as “Meditations,” weren’t meant for public consumption, but a relentless pursuit of self-improvement. By confronting his anxieties, questioning his decisions, and reminding himself of Stoic principles, journaling became a shield against the pressures of power and a compass guiding him towards a life of virtue and inner peace. The “Meditations,” a testament to the transformative power of journaling, continues to inspire millions to this day.

Leonardo da Vinci, a Renaissance genius and master of arts and sciences, kept thousands of pages of notes about his ideas, inventions, and studies. His journals are considered priceless treasures of human civilisation, and reveal his astonishing creativity and curiosity. He wrote about everything from anatomy to astronomy, from painting to engineering, from philosophy to music. His journals also contain sketches of his inventions, such as the helicopter, the parachute, and the tank.

Benjamin Franklin, a man of boundless curiosity and ambition, saw journaling as a laboratory for his life. Every day, he meticulously recorded his activities, goals, and progress, not just as a log, but as a tool for self-analysis. He used it to track his time, identify areas for improvement, and measure his progress towards his ambitious goals. By holding himself accountable through written self-assessments, he honed his discipline and work ethic, fuelling his journey from a young apprentice to a renowned inventor, diplomat, and Founding Father. Franklin’s meticulous journals stand as a testament to the power of self-reflection and continuous improvement, reminding us that even the most accomplished individuals embraced the humble practice of journaling to unlock their full potential.

Mark Twain, a celebrated American author and humorist kept journals throughout his life, and used them as a source of inspiration and material for his novels and stories. He wrote about his travels, his observations, his opinions, and his experiences. He also wrote about his personal struggles, such as his financial difficulties, his family tragedies, and his depression. His journals reveal his wit, wisdom, and humanity.

Maria Curie Skłodowska, a physicist and chemist of Polish origin, was a trailblazer in many ways. Not only was she the first woman to be awarded a Nobel Prize, but she also had the unique distinction of being the first person to receive this prestigious award twice. Furthermore, she remains the only individual to have won the Nobel Prize in two different scientific fields. Throughout her illustrious career, she meticulously maintained detailed journals, documenting her groundbreaking work, which led to the isolation of radium and polonium, and the development of radioactivity. Her journals are so radioactive that they are stored in lead-lined boxes, and can only be handled with protective clothing. Her journals show her meticulous and rigorous approach to science, as well as her passion and perseverance.

Warren Buffett, an American billionaire investor and business tycoon is known for his unconventional annual reports, which are written more like personal letters than financial documents. He says that writing helps him clarify his thoughts, communicate his ideas, and persuade his audience. He also says that writing makes him a better investor, as it forces him to think critically and logically. He advises aspiring investors to write down their reasons for buying or selling a stock, and to review them later.

Oprah Winfrey, a media mogul and philanthropist has been journaling since she was 15 years old, and credits her journaling habit for her personal growth and success. She says that journaling helps her reflect on her life, express her gratitude, and gain perspective. She also uses journaling to set and achieve her goals, and to track her progress. She says that journaling is a way of “keeping a record of your life” and “creating your own story”.

These are just some of the many examples of famous and successful people who journaled. They show that journaling is not only a way of recording your life, but also a way of enriching it. Journaling can help you discover yourself, express yourself, and improve yourself. It can help you find happiness, meaning, and success. So, what are you waiting for? Start journaling today, and see what wonders it can do for you.

Who is your favourite person whose journaling influenced you? What are your musings on journaling? Do you prefer pen and paper or digital platforms? Is it a daily ritual or an occasional escape? We’re genuinely curious! Share your experiences, tips, and revelations in the comments below. Let’s embark on this introspective journey together.

Further Reading

  • Exocerebrum (2024). A Journey into Enhanced Journaling: Beyond the Keyboard: the Hidden Powers of Pen and Paper. Exocerebrum.
  • Fritson, K. K. (2008). Impact of Journaling on Students’ Self-Efficacy and Locus of Control. Insight: A journal of scholarly teaching3, 75-83.
  • Redwine, L. S., Henry, B. L., Pung, M. A., Wilson, K., Chinh, K., Knight, B., … & Mills, P. J. (2016). Pilot randomized study of a gratitude journaling intervention on heart rate variability and inflammatory biomarkers in patients with stage B heart failure. Psychosomatic medicine78(6), 667-676.
  • Flinchbaugh, C. L., Moore, E. W. G., Chang, Y. K., & May, D. R. (2012). Student well-being interventions: The effects of stress management techniques and gratitude journaling in the management education classroom. Journal of Management Education36(2), 191-219.
  • Tan, T. T., Tan, M. P., Lam, C. L., Loh, E. C., Capelle, D. P., Zainuddin, S. I., … & Tan, S. B. (2023). Mindful gratitude journaling: psychological distress, quality of life and suffering in advanced cancer: a randomised controlled trial. BMJ supportive & palliative care13(e2), e389-e396.
  • Klein, K., & Boals, A. (2001). Expressive writing can increase working memory capacity. Journal of experimental psychology: General130(3), 520.

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